John Muir PSAs 2016: Voting

In the fall of 2016, Jackie Osborn and Karen McHegg’s fourth grade students at John Muir Elementary School worked with Jack Straw’s artist team to create their own short public service announcements, or PSAs, about voting. Working in small groups, the students developed an opinion statement and wrote scripts illustrating and reinforcing their statement. Jack Straw vocal coaches Alyssa Keene and Meg McLynn helped the students work through their scripts and use their voices to tell their stories. Finally, students recorded their PSAs in Jack Straw Cultural Center’s professional recording studios, working with the vocal coaches and audio engineers. You can listen to the pieces below:


Voting PSAs 2016 was produced by John Muir Elementary School, Jack Straw Cultural Center, and YMCA Powerful Schools with the generous support of Creative Advantage, the Washington State Arts Commission, and individual contributors.

Our thanks to John Muir fourth grade students, fourth grade teachers Jackie Osborn and Karen McHegg, Julie Trout, visual arts teacher and arts team lead, Nicole Hill Senior Director of Education YMCA Powerful Schools, Christian Guillory AmeriCorps VISTA Member, and John Muir Principal Brenda Ball Cuthbertson. Our special thanks to Lydia Jurcys, Powerful Schools Quality Improvement Director, Education Initiatives, who made this partnership a reality.

The Jack Straw artist team included vocal coaches Alyssa Keene and Meg McLynn, audio engineers Daniel Guenther and Tom Stiles, program assistants Leah Meyer, Ayesha Ubayatilaka, Joel Maddox, and Gus Meyer, photographer Sherwin Eng, web designer Levi Fuller, and Jack Straw Executive Director Joan Rabinowitz.


Meg McLynn

Meg McLynn

Meg McLynn is a Seattle-based actor, vocalist, and teaching artist who loves sharing her passion for performance with students of all ages. She is a member of the vocal…