Black and white photo of Nacha Mendez

Nacha Mendez – Juanita

“Juanita” is a new song from Jack Straw resident artist Nacha Mendez‘s forthcoming full-length album, produced with support from the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.

Nacha writes, “This is my Pride month offering, the breakup song Juanita. . . . 
I recorded this in Nov. 2023 at Jack Straw . . . I sat with it for 2 1/2 years. I wrote it when I started to date Juanita, but the words emerged after the break up. The song traveled to Seattle, Santa Fe and Los Angeles. It features Stephen Duros on guitar and bass, Rafael Herrera on percussion. Thank you to Camelia Jade, who engineered the first tracks at Jack Straw. Thank you to Jon Gagan of Electric Co. Studios, my collaborator of many years Stephen Duros, and lastly to my producer and friend Steve Peters.”

Lyric translation:

I sincerely offer you this song
There will be a day when you’ll see me on the street
You will say, that I look lovely and well,
I will say the same about you
Too bad our beauty couldn’t hold us up
It’s nothing you’ve said or done

I finally reached the depths of my soul to find you once again
You told me that you thought we were friends, and I thought we were more than just friends
The sign on your door said, hope doesn’t live here, keep walking
I wish you the best, it’s true, yes

Keep walking Juanita, Keep walking

That kiss you gave me, lasted forever
Damn kiss woke me up
You played with my heart, you did it to confuse me

Keep walking Juanita, Keep walking
I wish you the best, it’s true, yes.

Words and Music by Nacha Mendez
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