Eric Rynes is a violinist acclaimed for his performances in diverse styles and genres, from recitals of new music, to his work as concertmaster and concerto soloist with the Northwest Symphony Orchestra and as a founding member of Seattle Modern Orchestra, to evenings of authentic Argentine tangos and appearances with jazz and rock groups. Eric has premiered solo works in Berlin, Havana, Barcelona, Rotterdam, and many other cities, often with electronics. He has performed under many conductors, including Barenboim, Boulez, and Slatkin, and with many chamber music partners, including Garth Knox and Jovino Santos Neto; as a sideman, he has performed with Sufjan Stevens and Rod Stewart, among others. He has provided live and recorded music for plays by Chekhov and Ibsen, served on the violin faculty of Marrowstone Summer Music in Bellingham, adjudicated for competitions, and lectured on composing for the violin at several universities. He received his M.M. in violin from UW, and degrees in physics from the University of Chicago and University of Illinois.