SoundPages is produced by Jack Straw Cultural Center as part of the Jack Straw Writers Program. This podcast features interviews and live readings from artists in the Jack Straw Writers Program. Each year a series of twelve episodes is produced featuring the current Jack Straw Writers and curator.-
Reflections from a Border Town in South Texas - Emily Perez
Blending cultural content with personal experience, Emily Pérez infuses her poetry with musicality.
Music by the Seattle Jazz Composers Ensemble, produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.
Anatomy Lesson – Corry Venema-Weiss
Corry Venema-Weiss longed to write about strange worlds from her youth, but was deterred by the daunting task of imagining them from scratch. Then she discovered a fascinating world ready-made: the 18th century.
The result of nearly ten years of research, her novel, The Genius of Desire, is the story of Will Theroux, his fall from a careful, respectable life and his redemption in a world hidden from history: Georgian London’s nascent gay subculture.
Music by the Seattle Jazz Composers Ensemble and produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.
Delicate Strangers – Jay McAleer
Pulling ideas from his experience in the world of theater, Jay McAleer takes the reader behind the scenes of a traveling show. The cheeky interaction of his characters lends authenticity to his portrayal of stage life.
Music by the Seattle Jazz Composers Ensemble, produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.
The Robot Scientist’s Daughter – Jeannine Hall Gailey
Using bright humor to render dark subject matter more readable, Jeannine Hall Gailey offers fresh verse on classic characters.
Music by the Seattle Jazz Composers Ensemble, produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.
To Timbuktu and Back – Kaia Chessen
With details from her well-kept travel journals, Kaia Chessen takes readers through Africa in a genuine account of her journey.
Music by Rachel Matthews, produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.
Trial By Error: Confessions of an Eight-Year-Old Drug Smuggler – Stacey Bennetts
Stacey Bennetts shares stories from her extraordinary childhood in her memoir about family drug smuggling. While the circumstances are unusual, aspects of the family dynamic and relationships are universal.
Music by Rachel Matthews, produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.
New Year’s Day, 1993 – Lacey Jane Henson
With sensitivity and courage, Lacey Jane Henson shares the shifting emotion in a mother-daughter relationship.
Music by Rachel Matthews, produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.
Experimenting with Form – Carol Light
Carol Light blends traditional forms to create innovative, distinctive verse.
Music by Rachel Matthews, produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.
Shelter – Johanna Stoberock
Johanna Stoberock often looks to physical forms to guide her writing. Stories emerge from the landscape and fill pages with vivid sensory description and poignant scenes.
Music by Rachel Matthews, produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.
A Fight For Shared Spaces – Nick Wong
As a writer and traveler, Nick Wong contemplates the world of boxing and the common ground shared by every fighter. During his time in other countries, he could always find a safe place in the gym and his writing shares the culture of the sport with many who will never enter a ring.
Music by Rachel Matthews, produced as part of the Jack Straw Artist Support Program.