Romson Regarde Bustillo | Proximity Modifier No. 49: Dukkha, Liberation, and Tranquility

August 4 – September 13, 2024

Opening Reception: Sunday, August 4, 4pm
In person at Jack Straw Cultural Center

Artist Talk: Friday, September 6, 7pm
In person and streaming on YouTube and Facebook Live

Youth and Family Workshop: Saturday, September 14, 2pm
E-mail for more information or to sign up.

Proximity Modifier No. 49: Dukkha, Liberation, and Tranquility investigates our presumed capacity to hold multiple ideas, including contradictory concepts, while considering our proximity to intended meanings. These works consider and examine cultural references that intersect continuum or parallel circumstances, where hybridity, practiced hierarchies, violence, joy, migrations, détente, and acceptance alternate proximities.


Portrait of Romson Bustillo

Romson Regarde Bustillo

Romson Regarde Bustillo’s layered works and immersive collaborations are tied to his Philippine lineage, South Seattle-PNW upbringing, and research travels. Carving his own path, Bustillo integrates a printmaking…