Perri Lynch, Lara Swimmer, and Robert Zimmer | CARTASONIC

April 6 – June 8, 2012

CARTASONIC combines field recording, projection, and montage to convey the layered architectural history of Civita di Bagnoregio, a remote Italian hill town.Through “built” images and field recordings, this work maps the evolution of a town and its steadfast presence in a shifting landscape.

In 2010, Seattle-based artists Perri Lynch and the collaborative team of Lara Swimmer and Robert Zimmer were awarded fellowships by the Northwest Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in Italy. Perri’s fellowship was devoted to field recording, while Lara and Robert documented the built environment and periphery landscapes. In fusing these disparate perspectives, one is immersed in a mysterious, ancient, and ultimately unknowable place.


Photo of Perri Lynch Howard in a blue shirt, leaning on a weathered white wall.

Perri Lynch Howard

Perri Lynch Howard is an artist dedicated to forging new narratives from the front lines of climate change. Working in the context of extreme environments is an essential aspect of…


Lara Swimmer

Lara Swimmer is a photographer of architecture, whose work examines where built environment and land intersect. She was made an Honorary member of the American Institute of Architects in 2005…


Robert Zimmer

Robert Zimmer is an architect focused on rational design processes for a vast array of project genres, scales and settings. His work spans the design of public buildings to private…


Sound Clips

  • Jack Straw New Media Gallery Interview : Perri Lynch, Lara Swimmer, and Robert Zimmer Perri Lynch Howard