Sharon Cumberland
Sharon Cumberland is an Associate Professor of English at Seattle University and will direct the Creative Writing Program starting in 2008-09. She has published two chapbooks, The Arithmetic of Mourning (Green Rock Press), and Sharon Cumberland: Greatest Hits 1985-2000 (Pudding House Press) as well as poems in Ploughshares, The Iowa Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Kalliope, Verse, The Midwest Quarterly and Image, among many others. Twice nominated for Pushcart Prizes, she has won Kalliope’s Sue Saniel Elkind Award, Writer’s Haven Bright Side competition, and the Pacific Northwest Writer’s Association 2007 Zola Award for Poetry. She is a frequent artist-in-residence at Yaddo in Saratoga Springs, NY. She has recently turned to writing fiction and has completed her first novel.