Joan Fiset
Joan Fiset’s work has been widely published in periodicals including Poetry Northwest, The Seattle Review, Calyx, Ploughshares, Negative Capability, and The Crab Creek Review. Namesake, a book of prose vignettes about her mother who suffered from mental illness, was released from Blue Begonia Press in 2015. Now the Day Is Over, a book of prose vignettes about her father, was published by Blue Begonia in 1997 and received the King County Publication Award. How It Was with Scotland, a collaboration with visual artist, Noah Saterstrom, was published in 2019 by Ravenna Press. How It Looks Away from Here, a book of poetry in collaboration with photographer Sabrina Roberts, was published by Ravenna Press in September of 2020. Minor Chord, a book of poems in response to collages by visual artist, Liz Gamberg, will be published by Ravenna Press in 2023.