Jared Leising
Jared Leising is the author of the chapbook The Widows and Orphans of Winesburg, Ohio. His poems have appeared in various Washington publications such as Pontoon, Crab Creek Review, Stringtown, as well as on Metro Buses and local radio. Jared was selected as a Jack Straw Writer in 2001 and curated the Jack Straw Writers Program in 2010. He has worked as a writer-in-residence for Ballard and Nathan Hale High Schools, been a nominee for Seattle Poet Populist, and before moving to Seattle, he received his M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Houston. Currently, he teaches English at Cascadia Community College.
2010 Writers Program (curator)
Education Projects

Seattle World School: A World of Memories 2013 READ MORE >

Museum of Pop Culture 2013: Write Out of This World READ MORE >

Museum of Pop Culture 2014: Write Out of This World READ MORE >

Museum of Pop Culture 2015: Write Out of This World READ MORE >

Museum of Pop Culture 2016: Write Out of This World READ MORE >

Museum of Pop Culture 2017: Write Out of This World READ MORE >

Museum of Pop Culture 2018: Write Out of This World READ MORE >

Museum of Pop Culture 2019: Write Out of This World READ MORE >

Museum of Pop Culture 2020: Write Out of This World READ MORE >