Gust Burns

Gust Burns composes performances of music. Drawing on his experience as a pianist, contemporary art practices, and 20th century composition, Burns’ works blur differentiations between performance, score, recording, and text.

Burns earned an MFA in music/sound from Bard College, and is a graduate student at the University of Washington, Seattle.

New Media Gallery 2008-09 (with Melanie Noel): Felt

Artist Support Program 2007 : Recorded an album of structured improvisations for 10 musicians.

A record player stylus hovers over a spinning record.

Gust Burns & Melanie Noel | Felt READ MORE >

Dropped piano

Piano Drop READ MORE >

Sound Clips
  • Dropped piano
    Gust Burns - Eleven Little Piano Drops
  • Gust Burns - Improvisation no. 5
  • Jack Straw New Media Gallery Interview: Gust Burns and Melanie Noel