Anne McDuffie
Anne McDuffie writes poetry, essays and reviews. She was a 2011 Jack Straw fellow, and was awarded a 2012 Individual Artist Projects grant from 4Culture for Deep Geography, a series of poems written in collaboration with painter Ann Vandervelde.
From 2007 to 2015, Anne worked as literary assistant to the late poet Madeline DeFrees. She edited Ms. DeFrees’ collected essays, Subjective Geography: A Poet’s Thoughts on Life and Craft (Lynx House Press, 2018) and Where the Horse Takes Wing: The Uncollected Poems of Madeline DeFrees (forthcoming from Two Sylvias Press).
Anne is a graduate of Oberlin College and the Rainier Writing Workshop at Pacific Lutheran University, where she was fortunate to work with Lia Purpura, David Huddle, and Judith Kitchen. She lives with her family in Seattle, Washington.