Arne Pihl
Arne Pihl lives in a large Northwestern city once famous the world over for fishing fleets, shipyards, and ripping off Alaskans, but it has since fallen into overgrown ruin: pavement, traffic, and gawkers thick as the blackberries once were. You’ve probably never even heard of the place. He’s been employed as a bartender, an agricultural laborer, and in the fishing industry: Siberia to Tierre Del Fuego. He is now a carpenter. He enjoys the work. It keeps him limber, and each of his grandfathers left him an eye for it. He has a BA in English Literature from Pacific Lutheran University. He’s written three books of poetry and short stories: Girls Girls Girls and an Army of Lab Boys, Deck Hand Arm, and Love Is Stronger than Prozac. They may be found under his desk, at the bottom of a waterproof bag, along with a flashlight, a pocketknife, and some odds and ends from Radio Shack. His poetry has also been published in the anthologies Vox Populi and Beautiful Lumber.